Swimming will start on Wednesday 13th January 2016
Can children please bring in their swimming costumes with them on the day!
Panto Trip
Friday 8th January 2016
Please remember to bring your child's car seat and children must come to school in their full school uniform.
Open Day Morning
Saturday 7th November 2015
10am -12pm
School Photographs
Tuesday 3rd November 2015
Children will be photographed for their individual portraits, class groups and sibling shots.
Please can we ask you to ensure that your child is wearing their smart, full school uniform.
Friday 16th October 2015
Think pink day
Can Children please come to school with something pink on with a minimum £1 donation!
There will be a special prize for the best dressed child in each key stage.
Years 1 and 2 will be going to Linford Wood on Monday 5 October.
Don't forget your wellington boots!
EYFS will be going to Linford Wood on 15 October.
Remember to bring your wellington boots!
On Friday 18th September the children can come to school with either their jeans and Webber t-shirt and cardigan/jumper or jeans and a rugby shirt.
The children need to make a minimum donation of £1
Macmillan Cancer Support World's Biggest Coffee Morning
Friday 25th September
9:00- 10:30am in the Cafe at School
We invite all students, staff and parents to bake and donate and come along and join the fun!